Home Farms / Homesteads All In Ohio: The Podcast Debuts

All In Ohio: The Podcast Debuts

All In Ohio: The Podcast debuted over the weekend. The ongoing show will feature interviews and behind-the-scenes tours of homesteads and farms across Ohio along with segments featuring sustainable living topics.
I’m Jeff Louderback, the founder and editor of All In Ohio, a new website and online destination about sustainable living and rural living in Ohio. Samantha Adams, founder of Hadassah’s Herbs for Health and Healing, is the co-host. You can learn more about Samantha at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064149249323 and read her first All In Ohio column at https://www.allinohio.com/breath-of-life-tincture-offers…/
Our first segment features Samantha’s story of how herbs and holistic alternatives helped heal her after a near-fatal car accident, and how it inspired her to start Hadassah’s.
All In Ohio: The Podcast will be fun and informative. We’ll especially have fun exploring homesteads and farms and giving a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the personalities. If you’re interested in homesteading and leading a more self-sufficient lifestyle, you might even find the show educational!
Thank you for reading, and we invite you to watch the show and read the ongoing content on All In Ohio.
If you have ideas for homesteads and farms to explore and feature, please let us know. If you’re an expert in any area in sustainable living and want to contribute columns to All In Ohio and appear on the podcast, please message us!
