Home All In Ohio News The Roots of All In Ohio: What Inspired The Online Destination

The Roots of All In Ohio: What Inspired The Online Destination


Life is a series of chapters.

Some are exciting and memorable. Some are challenging and even heartbreaking. And, in between, there is the routine that can seem mundane but are actually rewarding.

Simply put, sometimes simpler is better.

Over the last few years, I’ve evolved as far as what I want in life. I was raised in a suburb and lived in cities and suburbs my whole life – until a year ago when I relocated to Highland County, where the Appalachian foothills begin.

I’ve loved travel, history, backroads attractions, and small towns all of my life, but I’ll be honest. I never wanted to live outside of a city or a suburb because of the conveniences. Then, around 2020 – amid COVID -my mindset started to change. I started to recognize the extreme importance of farms and farmers. I started to understand the importance of knowing where my food comes from. I started to see that, with all that is happening in the world, it was time to live a simpler life in a rural area, and the beauty and peace that provides.

I love Ohio. I love small-town Ohio. I love rural Ohio. And I’ve developed a deep interest in homesteading, farming, and sustainable living. I’m a novice in those areas – learning how to garden and grow microgreens, for example. I live on a small property on the edge of a village surrounded by farms, hills, woods, and country roads. I was inspired to create All In Ohio as a resource for people who already live and are thinking about living in rural Ohio and small-town Ohio, and learning about homesteading and sustainable living and everything related to that. I’m a journalist and writer with extensive experience in bringing stories to life with words.

All In Ohio offers how-to and expert tips stories from experienced homesteaders, farmers, and people who practice sustainable living. The online destination also writes stories about small towns and interesting places in Ohio, profiles on homesteads and farms, news about events, and features about history and the outdoors.

I’m the editor of All In Ohio and write some of the content, and I welcome submissions from homesteaders, farmers, sustainable living professionals, and people who have restaurants, lodging facilities, museums, and other interesting places. The more content you provide, the better! This is your site!

All In Ohio is supported by sponsors through content sponsorship. Feel free to reach out if you would like to be involved with the site. And please don’t hesitate to send story ideas and photos of barns, farms, old country churches, small-town downtowns, and anything that celebrates rural Ohio!

I look forward to talking to you and growing All In Ohio as a resource for people who love rural living and sustainable living!

– Jeff Louderback